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Gallant Consulting
Gallant Consulting Gallant Consulting

Karyn Gallant, MS, Certified Executive Coach,
Certified MBTIŽ practitioner

Karyn Gallant, founder and principal of Gallant Consulting Group
is a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) with a MS in Organizational Development, who brings 20 years of experience in counseling, experiential learning and career development, in addition to practical professional and individual growth strategies, to her clients.
Click here to read more.

Executive coaching

An Executive Coach is a business partner, colleague and trusted advisor to an executive, a team or a leader who wants to be secure, insight driven and impactful in how they apply their intrinsic talent and strengths to their roles in the organization.

Clients are often individuals or teams who have high potential for growth, are leading organizations or who aspire to, and who may be slated to move from an individual contributor to a leadership role.
Click here to read more.

Gallant Consulting Group has provided executive coaching and leadership training to individuals and teams in Fortune 500 companies and emerging entrepreneurial businesses.

We have the expertise to help your leaders and your organizations grow and change to meet the demands of the changing economy and rapidly shifting marketplace.
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Gallant Consulting
Gallant Consulting

" I know you said it would take about 6 months to transition into my new role, and I kept reminding myself of that. We are almost at the 6 month mark. You were right, on that and everything else"

JR, a client with 18 years of industry experience who successfully leveraged her significant talent from a management to a leadership role in a large financial services organization

"Thanks again for all your help. I enjoyed the interview in ways that I would not without your coaching and support. Also, I know my overall presentation was much more polished than it possibly could have been before working with you".

CO, a client/entrepreneur, in reference to a conversation about a new business opportunity

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